Uha, at flytte er godt nok stressfuldt, men nu er vi endelig flyttet og så småt ved at komme på plads, der mangler stadig en masse.
--------------Oh boy, moving are really stressfull but, now we finally have moved and starting to get things in their right spot but we still am missing a lot to do I think.
Mit hobbyrum er ved at tage form og så småt begynder jeg at få mine ting på plads, det bliver rigtig rart når jeg er færdig, så jeg kan finde alle mine ting i stedet for at skulle lede efter det, alle mulige steder :)
My working space is starting to look like something I can use :) ... It's going to be nice when it's finished so I am able to find everything I need to use instead of having to look for it all over :)

Æskerne ovenpå skabet, har jeg også fornyet med smukt scrapbook papir, de var sådan nogle kedelige brune nogen, jeg havde beklædt dem med grønt gavepapir, det så ikke alt for smart ud, så nu ligner de nogle fine dyre æsker, og gode til opbevaring også :)
This old cabinet with glass doors was painted grey, I have two of them, but I decided to paint them white outside and inside and I dressed the shelf with shelf-paper in pale blue with white dots, these cabinets are really good for storage.
The boxes on top of the cabinet have I given a new look with beautiful scrapbooking paper, they were so boring to look at, brownish originally and green paper, they really did not look smart but now they look like some really fancy and expensive boxes and they are good for storage too :)

Dekoreret med diverse pynt fra K&Co.
I painted the word "Create" on the wall and used pink painting, on top of it I painted mother-of-pearl glitter so it gets a fantastic glow.
For the final touch I decorated with adhesive decorations from K&Co.

This old and beautiful jug is both decorative and useful to hold my painting brushes, it's an old jug I found through an antic store.

This pink glassed bowl with white dots was originally my daughters breakfast bowl when she was little, for porrage and serial, but it was not in use as much any longer so I grabben it for my room, it is good for storage too :)

This sign and text have I created and placed in a wooden frame I painted egg-white.

A very little view of my writing space, I haven't finished decorating there yet but I am getting there :)
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