This is the finishing result of the one box, it was kept in pink colored pattern and purple colors, a very much improved result from the original one.

This is the finishing result of the other box, it was kept in cherry red colored pattern and pink colors, a very much improved result from the original one.
This is the finishing result of the other box, it was kept in cherry red colored pattern and pink colors, a very much improved result from the original one.

Her er den originale box efter det grønne papir endelig er taget af, ikke så kønt efter min mening :)
Here's the original box after the green wrapping paper has been torn off, not so pretty in my opinion :)---------------

Denne box beklædte jeg engang med grønt gavepapir for at gøre den kønnere, men det blev vist ikke helt det kønne resultat jeg havde håbet på, men kønnere end den brune farve den oprindeligt har er det nu alligevel :)
I dressed this box in green wrapping paper to make it more beautiful but I don't think it got the fine look I had hoped for then, but still, it is looking much better than the original color which is brown :)---------------
I dressed this box in green wrapping paper to make it more beautiful but I don't think it got the fine look I had hoped for then, but still, it is looking much better than the original color which is brown :)---------------
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