Jeg så et æske fra MM til at opbevare pyntebåndene i, den var bare så yndig, men ulempen ved den var, at der ikke kunne stikke så mange bånd ud gennem den og så var den for dyr til min pengepung :(
Jeg havde engang købt en del minikommoder i træ hos og fik en god ide, så jeg begyndte at bore huller i alle skufferne, sleb hullerne rene for splinter, malede den hvid og pyntede alle hullerne rundt med selvlavet pynt og wola, resultatet blev ret godt synes jeg selv, og mine favoritbånd har fået en mere samlet opbevaringsplads.
Klik på billederne for at se større billeder.
I saw a ribbon storage box from MM, it was so adorable but there were a minus with it, it couldn't hold so many ribbons and then it was a bit too exspensive since I would have to need more than one box :(
I had once bought several small wooden chest of drawers at and got a brilliant idea :) why not drill holes into all the drawers, and so I did, afterwards I sanded them down for splinters and painted it all white.
All the holes I decorated round them with my own designed decorations and wola the result was quite good I think :) all my favourite ribbons could now be stored in one place all together.
Click on the pictures to see a bigger detailed one.
I had once bought several small wooden chest of drawers at and got a brilliant idea :) why not drill holes into all the drawers, and so I did, afterwards I sanded them down for splinters and painted it all white.
All the holes I decorated round them with my own designed decorations and wola the result was quite good I think :) all my favourite ribbons could now be stored in one place all together.
Click on the pictures to see a bigger detailed one.

Three-in-one picture.
Here you can see how the ribbons are organised in a drawer.
Malet og dekoreret.
Painted and decorated.
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